Monday, September 24, 2012

about painting from photographs

I was going on about digital photos in the last blog.
Now that I have so many and see no sign of stopping taking more, I am thinking a lot how best to use them without ending up with dead paintings. Oh, and I have started using my old camera to take slides along with the digital camera. I remind myself that I will probably get 40% or less, of usable slides, but some may be wonderful.

Resource material collecting is like going to the library and coming back with lots and lots of books. If you don't like one, you can go on
to another. And another...Of course, if you are not a reader you could substitute chocolate. Or do both.

Anyway, now that I have identified the problems that lurk in digital photos, I am working on finding the best way for ME to use them.
You have to find your own way to use them.  Sorry.

I have decided that I am going to have to do sketches before I paint.
I never used to do this, but the time has come. I work on good paper, and different surfaces. And different sized paper as well so that I am pushing myself. Besides, I really like some of my drawings and may want to mat them up.
First, above all, I simplify. One way I do this is to make L shapes
out of old mats and move them over the photo to find an area you like. That's not a new approach, of course, but I am always surprised at how many painting ideas pop up. I use 8x11" photos - or larger -to do this. I am also doing this on old paintings...more another time.

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